Thursday, August 8, 2013

"Golden Scribbly's"

Well finally another art piece of mine is completed. A first for 2013 as I have had a book project totally consuming all painting time for me this year. This painting is titled "Golden Scribbly's". Inspired by the many gum trees surrounding my house, especially at sunrise or sunset when the sun just hits the gum trees with such intensity they just glow with that golden lustre. I guess I've stared at them many times over the years at my house and noticing all the light changes just inspires me to capture at least one of those times in paint. I have used acrylic paint and painted on a 10''x12'' canvas board. I will be framing it though to go into the Central Coast Grammar Art Show on September 7th & 8th, 2013.
And's for sale!
Just designed this poster for a school that is already being displayed around all the local businesses. Had lots of fun with type. Would have loved to play around with hand lettering too but time was a priority so I stayed with fonts that were accessible on CorelDraw.
I also designed their school emblem which incorporates a sprig of gum leaves on either side of the crest. The area where Ourimbah Public School is situated is surrounded by a beautiful rainforest and loads of gum trees and the history of the area is in timber cutting and sawmills, orchards and hardships, most of all is gone now but many of the stories are documented by locals in the book I'm writing which will go to the printers soon.
Can't wait for that!