Sunday, August 26, 2012

'Snow Gum Brumbies" Painting

Finally have been able to get back into painting and this is my latest canvas titled 'Snow Gum Brumbies". It's painted with acrylics on a 24"x36" canvas. I haven't been to the snow for years but this Winter being exceptionally colder and longer than usual, has made me feel trapped inside at home, so inspiring me to paint brumbies who roam wild and free in the harsh conditions THEY call home. There's a life lesson there I guess to always make the most of where you are...every day.

1 comment:

  1. Well, catdezign, I have now had a chance to peruse several of your works that you have posted here, including some of your caricatures and logos. Naturally, seeing them in this format is a poor substitute for a face-to-face perception of things like colour vibrancy and texture, but nevertheless I can and do appreciate your draughtsmanship and compositional skills and general colour harmonics which in my view are very good. "Fern Fronds" is very nice, and I particularly like this "Snow Gum Brumbies". I particularly like the way you appear to have rendered the snowy scene: there is a clarity to the air which makes it feel very crisply cold and the group of brumbies in the middle distance appear very vital. I think you have expressed their shadows on the snow very excellently. The mist-shrouded gums in the rear appear also very delicately and effectively done. All in all, one of the best "snowscapes" I have seen.
